OLD BEN'S NEWSLETTER Kingston Trio "20 Favorite Tracks" Survey Results
In 1990, Ben Blake, co-author of The Kingston Trio On Record, and publisher of Old Ben's Newsletter, surveyed
his newsletter readers asking them what their 20 favorite Kingston Trio songs of all time were. The Survey particulars:
The Survey was held between January 31 and August 27, 1990; 228 songs received at least 1 vote; a total of 1200
votes were cast by 60 participants (20 votes each). Below are the results of that survey.
Ben Blake, a folk-music historian/essayist and an avid Kingston Trio fan, has been published
in Rolling Stone magazine, and he was one of the original
columnists for Goldmine's Kingston Korner column. Ben's insightful writing has also appeared in the liner
notes for all Capitol Records' Kingston Trio Special Double Play CDs, and The Kingston Trio: The Capitol Years. More
recently, Ben's observations appear in the included book for Bear Family Records'
The Kingston Trio: The Guard Years.
What is Ben's favorite Kingston Trio configuration? He answers: "And don't ask me to
pick my favorite Trio. They have all been great in my book (and in my book, literally, I think I even say that!)."
Ben, I think most of us agree with you!
Thanks to Ben Blake for permission to post his survey's results here at The Kingston
Trio Place.
A very special thanks to Jerry Peterson for suggesting this feature and his coordination
of all materials supplied in its presentation.
Old Ben's Newsletter is available for $3 for 3 issues ($5 Foreign orders). Back Issues
are available. Make checks payable to Ben Blake. Send to:
Old Ben's Newsletter
Ben Blake
175 Lake Road,
Jewett City CT 06351-1315 U.S.A.
Position - Song Title - Number Of Votes
Position - Song Title - Number Of Votes
01) Chilly Winds 42
02) I'm Going Hane 29
03) Reuben James 22
04) Hobo's Lullaby 20
---- Run The Ridges 20
---- Where Have All The Flowers Gone? 20
05) Across The Wide Missouri 19
---- Greenback Dollar 19
---- One More Town 19
06) Colorado Trail 18
07) Road To Freedom 17
---- Scotch And Soda 17
08) M. T. A. 16
09) Coal Tattoo 15
---- Getaway John 15
10) Remember The Alamo 14
---- A Worried Man 14
11) Early Morning Rain 13
---- They Call The Wind Maria 13
---- When I Was Young 13
12) Coast Of California 12
---- The Escape Of Old John Webb 12
---- Pullin' Away 12
---- Raspberries, Strawberries 12
---- You're Gonna Miss Me 12
13) All My Sorrows 11
---- Everglades 11
---- Fast Freight 11
---- It Was A Very Good Year 11
---- The River Is Wide 11
---- South Coast 11
---- Those Who Are Wise 11
14) The New Frontier 10
---- Rider 10
15) 500 Miles 9
---- Hard Travelin' 9
---- The Patriot Game 9
---- Reverend Mr. Black 9
---- South Wind 9
16) El Matador 8
---- The First Time (Ever I Saw Your Face) 8
---- Mark Twain 8
---- The Mountains 0' Mourne 8
---- Oh, Miss Mary 8
---- Oh, Sail Away 8
---- Three Jolly Coachmen 8
---- The Tijuana Jail 8
---- Weeping Willow 8
---- When My Love Was Here 8
---- The Whistling Gypsy 8
---- Zombie Jamboree 8
17) The Hunter 7
---- Long Black Veil 7
---- New York Girls 7
---- Roddy McCorley 7
---- San Miguel 7
---- Scarlet Ribbons 7
---- Tom Dooley 7
---- The Wanderer 7
18) Ah, Woe, Ah, Me 6
---- Ann 6
---- Bay Of Mexico 6
---- Bimini 6
---- Blow The Candle Out 6
---- Buddy, Better Get On Down The Line 6
---- Goin' Away For To Leave You 6
---- Hard, Ain't It Hard 6
---- Haul Away 6
---- If You Don't Look Around 6
---- Jane, Jane, Jane 6
---- 'Round About The Mountain 6
---- Rusting In The Rain 6
---- Santy Anno 6
---- Shady Grove/Lonesome Traveler 6
---- Sloop John B 6
---- Take Her Out Of Pity 6
19) Ally Ally Oxen Free 5
---- Bad Man Blunder 5
---- Blow Ye Winds 5
---- Children Of The Morning 5
---- Come All You Fair And Tender Ladies 5
---- Hangman 5
---- If I Had A Ship 5
---- Little Light 5
---- Love's Been Good To Me 5
---- One Too Many Mornings 5
---- Some Day Soon 5
---- Speckled Roan 5
---- You Don't Knock 5
20) Ballad Of The Shape Of Things 4
---- Ballad Of The Quiet Fighter 4
---- Bonny Hielan' Laddie 4
---- Brown Mountain Light 4
---- Coming From The Mountains 4
---- Desert Pete 4
---- Don't Cry Katie 4
---- Early In The Mornin' 4
---- Golden Spike 4
---- Gue, Gue 4
---- Isle In The Water 4
---- Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream 4
---- The Last Thing On My Mind 4
---- The Long Black Rifle 4
---- Molly Dee 4
---- No One To Talk My Troubles To 4
---- Poor Ellen Smith 4
---- River Run Down 4
---- Seasons In The Sun 4
---- Senora 4
---- Stay Awhile 4
---- This Mornin', This Evenin', So Soon 4
---- To Morrow 4
---- Try To Remember 4
---- Where I'm Bound 4
---- With You, My Johnny 4
21) Babe, You've Been On My Mind 3
---- Bye Bye Thou Little Tiny Child 3
---- Colours 3
---- E Inu Tatou E 3
---- Farewell 3
---- Farewell Adelita 3
---- Genny Glenn 3
---- Georgia Stockade 3
---- Guardo El Lobo 3
---- Honey, Are You Mad At Your Man? 3
---- I Like To Hear The Rain 3
---- Jesse James 3
---- Little Boy 3
---- Midnight Special 3
---- Parchment Farm Blues 3
---- Razors In The Air 3
---- Red River Shore 3
---- Ruby Red 3
---- The Seine 3
---- Sing Out 3
---- Tanga Tika/Toerau 3
---- To Be Redeemed 3
---- Tomorrow Is A Long Time 3
---- Two-Ten, Six-Eighteen 3
---- With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm 3
---- Yes I Can Feel It 3
22) Adios Farewell 2
---- All Through The Night 2
---- Aspen Gold 2
---- Ballad Of The Thresher 2
---- Blue Eyed Gal 2
---- Coplas 2
---- Dancing Distance 2
---- En El Agua 2
---- Gonna Go Down The River 2
---- Go Where I Send Thee 2
---- Green Grasses 2
---- Hit And Run 2
---- Hope You Understand 2
---- Last Month Of The Year 2
---- Leave My Woman Alone 2
---- Lei Pakalana 2
---- Let's Get Together 2
---- Lock All The Windows 2
---- Mary Mild 2
---- The Merry Minuet 2
---- Oh Cindy 2
---- 0 Ken Karanga 2
---- Oleanna 2
---- Pastures Of Plenty 2
---- Poverty Hill 2
---- Saro Jane 2
---- Song For A Friend 2
---- The Spinnin' Of The World 2
---- The Tattooed Lady 2
---- Turn Around 2
---- The Unfortunate Miss Bailey 2
---- When The Saints Go Marching In 2
---- The White Snows Of Winter 2
---- Wines Of Madeira 2
---- World I Used To Know 2
23) Adieu To My Island 1
---- Banua 1
---- Big Ship Glory 1
---- Blowin' In The Wind 1
---- Blue Skies And Teardrops 1
---- Carrier Pigeon 1
---- Como Se Viene, Se Va 1
---- Cortelia Clark 1
---- Danny Boy 1
---- Deportee 1
---- Don't You Weep, Mary 1
---- Dorie 1
---- Easy To Arrange 1
---- Farewell Captain 1
---- Follow Now Oh Shepherds 1
---- Gaze On Other Heavens 1
---- Good News 1
---- Home From The Hill 1
---- I'm A Rake And Ramblin' Boy 1
---- Jackson 1
---- Jug of Punch 1
---- Karu 1
---- La Bamba 1
---- Less Of Me 1
---- Little Play Soldiers 1
---- Looking For The Sunshine 1
---- Mangwani Mpulele 1
---- M. T. A./Tom Dooley (medley) 1
---- My Lord What A Morning 1
---- My Ramblin' Boy 1
---- Oh Joe Hannah 1
---- Old Joe Clark 1
---- One More Round 1
---- Peace-Loving Gentleman 1
---- Portland Town 1
---- Put Your Money Away 1
---- Rollin' Stone 1
---- Run Molly, Run 1
---- Sail Away Ladies 1
---- Salty Dog 1
---- She Was Too Good To Me 1
---- Sing We Noel 1
---- Stories Of Old 1
---- Tell It On The Mountain 1
---- They Are Gone 1
---- Thirsty Boots 1
---- Those Brown Eyes 1
---- Tic, Tic, Tic 1
---- Walkin' This Road To My Town 1
---- Who's Gonna Hold Her Hand 1
---- Will You Love Me If I Don't Do Coke? 1
---- The World Needs A Melody 1
Survey held between January 31 and August 27, 1990; 228 songs received at least 1 vote; a total of 1200 votes
were cast by 60 participants (20 votes each); survey Copyright 1990 by Ben Blake, 175 Lake Road, Jewett City, CT